363 Durham Story Gaining More Traction. Remember the first story 2 days ago was "just going to catch a low level FBI Agent or maybe two". NOW include political operatives, foreign spies, big-name Beltway lawyers, journalists, computer experts and SENIOR FBI OFFICIALS. Drip Drip Drip... (www.zerohedge.com) NCSWIC posted 3 years ago by Blurpy 3 years ago by Blurpy +363 / -0 37 comments share 37 comments share save hide report block hide replies
That, my dear friend, is the question. It's like the audits: who will cuff the criminals? No agency of the current illegal regime will do it. I'm hoping that it will all create a crescendo of anger that will be irresistible.
Shit....I'll arrest these pedo freaks! Just let Don give the word.