1 That Vax Mandates are unconstitutional and are a crime against humanity and we need to all fight like hell now with massive non compliance
2 Our country was stolen from us and we are going to take it back before the year is up.
Instead he's become a salesman for big pharma and I'm sick of hearing about 2022 and 2024. Sorry, just very disappointed. I'm glad they boo'd him when he recommended the vaccine. Hopefully he wakes the fuck up.
I don't get the theory that Trump made a compromise to have people get the shot instead of widespread lockdowns. Doesn't that contradict "patriots in control" and "you and your families are safe"? True control and "it's all a show" would mean such a compromise wouldn't be necessary. Not shilling or dooming by the way, just curious.
There are major events planned. That's the movie part. In-between are the "moves and countermoves." That's the war part. "Not everything will be clean."
Makes sense. I just hope it's a bit cleaner than leaving a lot of the world's population permanently genetically altered.