It’s being reported that the primary component in the rona vaxx is Graphene Oxide (GO). GO is a toxin poisonous when injected in humans. It can also be electromagnetically modulated (think 5G). So, how to you detoxify GO once it’s in the body? Glutathione. Glutathione degrades GO in the body. N-Acyetyl-Cystine (NAC) is a precursor to Glutathione. NAC is a dietary supplement that has been available in health food stores for decades, primarily as an antioxidant and for those who may have respiratory issues such as asthma. In 2000, out of the blue, the FDA took the position that NAC manufacturers were “making claims” not backed by “scientific research” and moved to remove NAC from the market and/or make it by prescription only. Now you know why.
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NAC is one of several precursors to Glutathione, not the only one. Our bodies make glutathione. But not all of us make enough, seems to be related to how healthy your liver is. We can get glutathione and the things to help our bodies make it from foods. Also, from a functional standpoint doing things like ending showers with cold water force the body into making it. So don't panic based on what we think they are controlling the supply of. There are many pathways and many ways to help our bodies clear toxins.
Coffee enemas are the best way to put glutathione into production overdrive
I am currently doing a metal detox. What is a coffee enema and where would I get one. Well I know what an enema is so I can imagine the same.
Self administered, super easy with a little practice. In the bathtub so you don’t make a mess. If you’re on FB there’s a few groups that discuss it, but I’m on a long hiatus from FB so I can’t give you the group address.
This will give you a lot of great info:
Thank you so much.
Make sure you’re drinking a ton of lemon water as you detox. You don’t want to make your kidneys and liver go into overdrive!