posted ago by TrumpTrollMaster ago by TrumpTrollMaster +46 / -0

Note: The statistics used here supposedly help argue for people who support the shots. But the end result will surprise you.

The cumulative cases of COVD from Jan 23 2020 to Jan 23 of 2021 is 25,368,155.

Source: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#trends_totalcases

Of those infected, 452,838 Died


Of all those who died, 83% died from comorbidity. Which means that healthy people with no known ailments account for 76,982 deaths.


The average American contracting COVID (7.7% chance) and then subsequently dying with no known cormidities (at 17%) would be 0.013%

We do not know currently the chance of life-long symptoms from COVID.

In the US, 382 Million Shots have thus far been administered. It's not easy to accurately assess how many single and double vaxed there are, but we'll assume 191 million are double vaxed, which implies that anyone who vaccinated is "supposedly" protected vs COVID. This number assumes people are maximally inoculated against COVID, which increases the perceived efficacy of vax.

Source: https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/covid-vaccine-tracker-global-distribution/

Of those vaccinated, there have been 13,068 deaths, 1607 miscarriages and 17228 disabilities. I consider these severe enough to not make you want to take the vax. That means of the 191 Million Americans vaccinated, your chance of an undesirable complication sits at around 0.016%

Which means, the chance of your getting a complication from vaxxing is .003% higher than you catching COVID and dying from it.

Here's the problem.


""...that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID‐19 disease via antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE)...""

Which means, not only is the chance of you eating lifelong shit from the vaccine higher than if you didn't take it, you now have a higher chance of dying from COVID should you contract it, which compounds (doubles) EVERY SHOT you take.

Keep in mind, these numbers HEAVILY favor you TAKING the vax by increasing the supposed efficacy of the vax AND discounting the underreporting of complications from the vax. It also doesn't account for the fact that we only have 8 months of vax data vs 1 year of COVID deaths. All of these will mean that the vax complications is significantly under-represented here.

The average, healthy and happy American with lots of outdoor time and exercise does not need to take the vax. A different case can be argued for the old and vulnerable, but the better solution is simply more care and isolation. There's no scenario where the vaccine is significantly better than natural acquisition of the illness. Since the vaccine's real world efficacy is so low, it's almost entirely useless.