I've been watching Afghanistan for a week now like everyone else. German/British/French forces all are out saving their people. Ours aren't. Now our "govt" is using commercial airliners to do the military's job.
My only conclusion is that the Biden Admin does not have power over the military like we've suspected all along. We have been saying this for months and proving it. This is proof to the world. He can't get the Air Force to bring planes in, he can't get Spec Ops to save our citizens. He doesn't have the power or authority.
What more proof do you want than watching for a week the Biden Admin try to figure out how to fix Afghanistan and they only thing they can come up with is a NON military solution.
The Military armed the Taliban to fight back against the Deep State infestation there.
Been saying this all week and everybody hates on it. Taliban out here slaying commies left and right! Idgaf what any1 says
The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and I have much bigger grudge with filthy commies than I do with goat fucking taliban.
The Taliban are also not down with opiate production or the widespread rape of young boys as bacha bazi (boy play). American troops were told to ignore the rape of these boys on their bases and punished and/or discharged when they intervened, sometimes violently due to the nightmarish nature of the abuse, they would hear the scream echo throughout the base. In one instance, two Americans beat an Afghan soldier who had a young boy chained to his bed. This is not new info, it has been out there for years. I saw a documentary a few years back on how these boys are recruited, dressed as girls and taught to dance and sold for sex to old men. I will post the eye-opening doc if I can find it.
I've also read recently that the SeeEyeAye was providing Viagra to their state-sponsored regime in order to facilitate more rapes! This is nothing new, Dyncorp was involved in sex trafficking of minors and retained their huge DOD contract. The only person willing to confront this was Cynthia McKinney, ex Dem Rep from Georgia, who questioning Rumseld in front of Congress in 2005, about the missing trillions and the sex trafficking facilitated my military contractors.
Ms. McKinney was the only member of Congress who refused to sign a pledge of loyalty to Israel and only lasted one term. Her district was gerrymandered and likely cheated out of her seat via fraud as well. She knows the 9/11 is a false narrative. I would love for her to run as an independent, she would win in a landslide in any legal election.
How is the Taliban more of a terrorist group than the groups the SeeEyeAye have installed in the last 20 years? Their anti-opiate and anti-child rape stance put them in a much better light then those ousted. I understand why the Trump team negotiated with them. How many of the Afghans fleeing now to the US are child predators afraid of retribution from the Taliban? We'll never know.
We should be out of that country, it is not up to us to occupy snd mismanage their country indefinitely, putting trillions into the pockets of corrupt contractors People ask where the trillions have gone? Exactly where it was supposed to go, into the contractor's pockets. The way they went about leaving was despicable, absolutely insane and the fact that civ planes, and not our Air Force, is not being utilized, is very telling on who is actually in charge.
Great post. 👍
Absolutely...keep in mind, the US government has declared you and I as "Americas Taliban"