Philip Anderson talking on stage #proudboys #Portland
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So I'm confused, Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. Only thing I've heard about them are ties to 1/6 which was presumably orchestrated by the FBI. Maybe other things but 1/6 only thing coming to mind ATM.
But were they set up as well for this narrative, they good guys, bad guys?
Proud Boys are a fraternal, multi-ethnic, ball sack having Hipster Nationalist club that this dude just made up...
Oath Keepers are current/retired law enforcement, military, and supporters thereof who vow to keep their oath to the Constitution of the USA, and to never follow orders in violation thereof against the People; i.e., they will not participate in gun confiscation. Like BleedRdWhBlu says, they come out and support and protect groups who are targeted by Antifa, such as the Patriot Prayer group. When Antifa comes out, they attack, and the Proud Boys bring it. Of course, Proud Boys are locked up, demonized, and Antifa are allowed to go free.