The mandates are not only affecting the financial security of their ex-employees but it is also affecting the quality of care for their patients.
Diagnostic scans are not being done, people are going to die as a result.
I know some brain surgeries rely on active MRI scans to guide the surgeons scalpel, I guess many surgeries will be placed on hold indefinitely.
I would assume their nurses are quitting also. The nurse to patient ratio will be increased, your safety as a patient will be compromised.
I assume the nurse shortage will be backfilled with vaccinated nurses. If your nurse took the vaccine, I would question their intelligence. If they were stupid enough to inject the poison in to their own bodies, do you want them caring for yours?
If you are a patient in the Henry Ford system, I suggest you think twice about going there for your health care. If they don't give a shit about their employees, do you think they give a shit about you?
I'm a physician, sorry for how vague I'm about to be, but leftists are dangerous. I'm not in Detroit so I can't speak to what's going on at HF.
My wife (who works in radiology) has a co-worker that picks up shifts at X (only local hospital that mandated vax) - her friend will quit over the mandate (and is laying the groundwork to leave healthcare permanently); she also said three of her equivalent-position co-workers have already quit. Recent job postings support her claim. This co-worker also knows of two nurses that have already quit X over the mandate.
My theory is that mid- and large-city hospitals are testing the waters to get an idea of how much of their workforce they will lose over mandating. My hospital is already stretched extremely thin on staffing with daily email reminders to discharge patients ASAP... I'm expecting with FDA approval there will be a greater push if not full mandate. Surprisingly (and disappointingly), most physicians within and outside of my department blindly accepted the jab where I work, so I don't expect much concern for the hospital losing physicians (though I know of one who is vocal about not accepting a booster).
Semi-related, yes my wife has seen the side effects. She is scanning "more patients than ever for stroke-like symptoms" this year. I remember the first she told me about, an athletic mid-40s male who had a full-on stroke. Others with pulmonary embolism, some report vague pain or joint swelling. One of my immediate family members and two of her similarly-aged friends have all been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation in the past couple months, requiring both anticoagulation and rhythm-managing medications for life.
It's disappointing to see how the entire industry has gone full-NPC, people that I know (thought?) aren't idiots that have lost the ability to critically think.
An ethical and alert professional has already reacted to all this and is now one of those getting censored.
A butcher in a white coat can ignore issues indefinitely, in any circumstance.
The medical profession comprises some ethical people and some butchers. It's usually hard to tell them apart. Now it's easy.