Monkey Werx has proven beyond a shadow of a doubt - from his constant radar plane tracking as well as military insiders from his contacts on the ground/video footage/witnesses in multiple locations - that our own government and military planes are flying to many other countries south of the border DAILY and are:
Picking up plane loads of illegal foreigners from numerous countries (including Mexico, El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala)
Flying these illegals (including MANY military-aged males) directly into the USA on government and military planes - bypassing all immigration processes
Flying these NATIONAL SECURITY THREATS directly INTO TEXAS MILITARY BASES (specifically Laughlin Air Force Base in Del Rio, TX and into Fort Bliss Army Base in El Paso, TX)
And segregating these foreign illegals by category (they assign different colored arm bands or t-shirts) based on being military-aged men, women and children, then distributing these people via bus (some buses have Dept. of Homeland Security license plates) and planes (both military aircraft and other govt.-leased planes) into the interior of our country to cities/states all over the USA - all being paid for with OUR TAX DOLLARS!
You can see all this stuff for yourselves on Monkey Werx's podcast videos, which he does 3 times a week on Mon/Wed/Fri. Here's his UTube channel:
Monkey Werx has put together a petition that will be sent to TX Governor Abbott, and our 2 TX US Senators Ted Cruz and John Cornyn demanding that this government-sponsored human trafficking, illegals being smuggled in, and this brazen national security threat be stopped immediately or they will risk being recalled by concerned Texans.
Please sign this petition now - all you have to enter is your email address:
How do we know these planes aren't flying people back to Central America?
That’s what it is.