RedPillQ17 5 points ago +5 / -0

If these assassination conspirators were all arrested/convicted/tried right now, they’d all walk. Even Alec Baldwin just got off after it was proven that his “prop” gun killed that lady. The whole legal system is still rigged and corrupt AF. I wouldn’t want any of these bastards tried in the current injustice system because double-jeopardy prevents them from being tried twice for the same crime. It would have to be military tribunals outside the civilian court system to get any real justice, for sure.

RedPillQ17 8 points ago +8 / -0

I've been to many Trump rallies and nobody is supposed to be standing inside that metal railing perimeter. Those people/spectators simply weren't allowed to be standing where they were standing so he was ushering them back to their seats, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, Stephen Miller - Trump’s Sr. Advisor and founder of America First Legal. He’s been by Trump’s side since June 2015 and only Dan Scavino has logged more hours working alongside Trump’s campaign and administration than Stephen Miller. :-)

RedPillQ17 3 points ago +3 / -0

Only one choice that I want as Trump’s VP: Stephen Miller.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope he stays behind bars. He’s too connected to stay deported if they try and send him back to wherever he came from, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Like the longest torso of any “woman” on earth, for starters.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

Possibly. I don’t know where his flight originated. Maybe he flew in from another country. Just glad they got him and he’s behind bars!

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sadly, I think you’re right on target. The shit show will be in full swing by late, I’d bet. :-(

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I’d love to believe Trump’s EO enabled seizing BlackRock’s assets. But BlackRock is so notorious and known for its evil agenda, Trump is too smart to not realize that brand is irredeemable and destroyed beyond repair. Trump is a branding expert and would definitely know this, IMO.

RedPillQ17 2 points ago +2 / -0

That would kinda be like Klaus Schwab suddenly telling us we don’t have to eat ze bugs - LOL!

RedPillQ17 10 points ago +10 / -0

A stock exchange claiming to list anti-woke companies while being fueled by BlackRock? In what parallel universe would that even be plausible?

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump went after Vivek heavy at the time that video came out of Vivek telling a voter that voting for Trump will lead to Trump’s demise. It was really ominous sounding like a warning of assassination. That conversation solidified my gut instinct on Vivek - Total swamp creature.

Then the time when Vivek was allowed to speak on stage at a Trump rally and GEOTUS literally gave him a 60-second time limit (per Vivek). Bombard’s Body Language did a recap from that Trump rally calling out how obvious Trump’s disdain for Vivek is. Vivek was trying to hug and get close to Trump and GEOTUS literally blocked him by putting his hands on Vivek’s shoulders, pushing him back further away from him. I think Trump knows he’s Vivek is a plant.

IMO, Vivek is just another Obama who’s simply posing in a MAGA hat, and has eerily similar speech lines as Obama did. Vivek showed up out of nowhere and got ludicrous amounts of press for someone with zero cred - just like Obama too.

No way Trump would ever pick someone as a VP who ran for Prez AGAINST him, from my point of view. Loyalty is far too important to Trump to even entertain that thought, IMO.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

1981–Reagan being shot by John Hinkley supposedly to win the heart of (lesbo) Jodie Foster. Then the OKC building bombing and the Branch Davidians being slaughtered by the FBI on AG Janet Reno’s order.

RedPillQ17 4 points ago +4 / -0

Totally agree! As Stephen Miller pointed out on Benny Johnson’s 5/23 show, there is zero justification for ANY form of raid by ANY entity over a “document dispute” (a civil - NOT criminal matter), especially when it involves a former POTUS. Miller explained that The Presidential Records Act allows any POTUS to take ANY documents they want when leaving office “full stop” - no room for conversation or debate whatsoever.

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +1 / -0

I recorded the same video clips off my TV and sent them out to my Patriot friends last night - LOL!

RedPillQ17 1 point ago +2 / -1

Please let GEOTUS pick Stephen Miller as his VP! Still praying for that. :-)

RedPillQ17 5 points ago +5 / -0

I saw a very compelling interview this Ivan guy did with David Nino Rodriquez a week or so ago that did really impress me. He showed his master spreadsheet of his 350 Deep State target list on Nino’s show. It was very detailed with links and which treasonous activity / operation they were involved in. This guy knows his shit - I’ll give him that.

Nino posted his interview with Ivan on Rumble at: https://rumble.com/v4uz8nx-ivan-raiklin-deep-state-target-list-exposed-350-names-on-the-list.html

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