JFK jr is Negative48. Here's one from today. It has 5 people on it and unfortunately one is Juan O Savin but I forward it when I hear him. Two people on are so excited about talking to JUAN WTH. Juan interrupts jr what an idiot. Monkey werx had Juan on a few weeks ago and he had so many complaints that he apologized the next day. I have bet 5 family members who laugh at me all the time about Trump coming back $1000 two wanted to do double or nothing so I have $8000 on the line that Trump is coming back and jr is alive and I don't have a lot of money but figured it was easy cash that I could use. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n09AbIBlq-k Negative48 with Roseanne Barr bombs dropped around the 1:08 mark. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2JljUU7iZ8
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Then why not say this in the beginning. Saying (nope) sounds like a five year old not wanting to eat broccoli.
Because someone keeps posting this over and over
First time I’ve seen it. Some of us don’t have time to linger all day.