To something in the vaccine.
What is in this Pfizer vax, and what in it could cause an allergic reaction?
I’m sure I’m allergic to some component in this shot that would keep me from having to get it, but I can’t put my finger on it yet, please help me narrow down the chemical(s) I may have a reaction to, and what my reaction would look like
I hope I am drinking a beer when I use this one!
In an aluminum can, right!!!???
yes. I might even wear foil around my head.
When do I not wear foil on my head, especially with 5G.
I line all my hats with foil /s
I've been buying tin ingots. I got a hot tip the price of tin is going to go up....
I have considered it, ngl.
Shit is dope at keeping heat from coming through your windows if you don't mind it being dark with them closed and your house looking like a meth lab.