Vaxxtard wife, Registered Nurse says this is all Schizzo talk. There's no conspiracy, Covid is REAL, Fauci is trustworthy and WHO will save humanity if the Vax-Deniers stop interfering. Unvaxxinated are the real Pandemic, she says.
Called me a Schizzo for buying horse paste. Won't listen to any expert or authority that speaks against the establishment paradigm regardless of qualifications or expertise.
My question since all this started and how I have awaken a friend of mine that is a nurse. "Where did the flu go and where did pneumonia go?" She gave an answer about it was not being spread because of the mask and social distancing. I then asked, "what happens if you get the flu or pneumonia and it goes untreated?" She just stopped and looked at me, she then stated that in most cases they will die because their lungs will fill with fluid and they will not be able to breath. I just looked at her and said one more thing, "Exactly" She then asked me to explain more and down the rabbit hole we went. She did get the shot and if worse case scenario happens, I am going to miss her dearly.
Mystery. Normie mind wants to believe that the world is well intentioned even though there is little evidence to support this assumption. Pride? "Girl Power" shoulder chip? Does not want to admit that they have dedicated their whole lives to being a cog in a corrupt, dishonest machine? I think ignorance is a big factor. Lot of things are simply not taught to nurses. Trained to perform a specific set of tasks. Can't have them questioning doctors.
Bacterial Pneumonia is great example. Misdiagnosed means no antibiotics. Lungs very heavily vascularized so infection can easily (and often) spreads to blood. Sepsis will often prove fatal, even if relatively young and healthy. Happens all the time. Saddest things I've seen is when young otherwise healthy die over a few dollars worth of antibiotics they didn't get.
Watch the past few weeks of SGTReportβs guests. If you can get her to just watch a few of them it may save her. They are interesting, real, not boring and full of info
Vaxxtard wife, Registered Nurse says this is all Schizzo talk. There's no conspiracy, Covid is REAL, Fauci is trustworthy and WHO will save humanity if the Vax-Deniers stop interfering. Unvaxxinated are the real Pandemic, she says.
Called me a Schizzo for buying horse paste. Won't listen to any expert or authority that speaks against the establishment paradigm regardless of qualifications or expertise.
VAXX is an intelligence test, believe it.
My question since all this started and how I have awaken a friend of mine that is a nurse. "Where did the flu go and where did pneumonia go?" She gave an answer about it was not being spread because of the mask and social distancing. I then asked, "what happens if you get the flu or pneumonia and it goes untreated?" She just stopped and looked at me, she then stated that in most cases they will die because their lungs will fill with fluid and they will not be able to breath. I just looked at her and said one more thing, "Exactly" She then asked me to explain more and down the rabbit hole we went. She did get the shot and if worse case scenario happens, I am going to miss her dearly.
Mystery. Normie mind wants to believe that the world is well intentioned even though there is little evidence to support this assumption. Pride? "Girl Power" shoulder chip? Does not want to admit that they have dedicated their whole lives to being a cog in a corrupt, dishonest machine? I think ignorance is a big factor. Lot of things are simply not taught to nurses. Trained to perform a specific set of tasks. Can't have them questioning doctors.
Bacterial Pneumonia is great example. Misdiagnosed means no antibiotics. Lungs very heavily vascularized so infection can easily (and often) spreads to blood. Sepsis will often prove fatal, even if relatively young and healthy. Happens all the time. Saddest things I've seen is when young otherwise healthy die over a few dollars worth of antibiotics they didn't get.
She hasnt taken the vax yet bc I've stood in the way. She is going to get it friday tho. Pretty sad. I've done all I can so it's out if my hands.
Ouch. Comiserations. Taking it is burning a bridge.
Watch the past few weeks of SGTReportβs guests. If you can get her to just watch a few of them it may save her. They are interesting, real, not boring and full of info