Mystery. Normie mind wants to believe that the world is well intentioned even though there is little evidence to support this assumption. Pride? "Girl Power" shoulder chip? Does not want to admit that they have dedicated their whole lives to being a cog in a corrupt, dishonest machine? I think ignorance is a big factor. Lot of things are simply not taught to nurses. Trained to perform a specific set of tasks. Can't have them questioning doctors.
Bacterial Pneumonia is great example. Misdiagnosed means no antibiotics. Lungs very heavily vascularized so infection can easily (and often) spreads to blood. Sepsis will often prove fatal, even if relatively young and healthy. Happens all the time. Saddest things I've seen is when young otherwise healthy die over a few dollars worth of antibiotics they didn't get.
My wife seems to also believe " people cant be that evil", doctors know everything, everyone at work took the jab and are just fine. I often wonder of she in denial. It seems as if she cant face reality and CHOOSES to stay ignorant because she literally can not handle it.
This first wave of the death serum was filled with placebos to get exactly the reaction your wife gives. Everyone at work has been vaxxed and they are fine.
Conditioning for sure. I think the truth, this truth we are seeing is simply too horrible for most to comprehend or accept. Her 3 daughters of child bearing age all took it. She likely influenced that decision. I'd feel pretty stupid if I killed myself. I'd feel something very different if I killed my children.
Watch the past few weeks of SGTReportβs guests. If you can get her to just watch a few of them it may save her. They are interesting, real, not boring and full of info
Mystery. Normie mind wants to believe that the world is well intentioned even though there is little evidence to support this assumption. Pride? "Girl Power" shoulder chip? Does not want to admit that they have dedicated their whole lives to being a cog in a corrupt, dishonest machine? I think ignorance is a big factor. Lot of things are simply not taught to nurses. Trained to perform a specific set of tasks. Can't have them questioning doctors.
Bacterial Pneumonia is great example. Misdiagnosed means no antibiotics. Lungs very heavily vascularized so infection can easily (and often) spreads to blood. Sepsis will often prove fatal, even if relatively young and healthy. Happens all the time. Saddest things I've seen is when young otherwise healthy die over a few dollars worth of antibiotics they didn't get.
My wife seems to also believe " people cant be that evil", doctors know everything, everyone at work took the jab and are just fine. I often wonder of she in denial. It seems as if she cant face reality and CHOOSES to stay ignorant because she literally can not handle it.
This first wave of the death serum was filled with placebos to get exactly the reaction your wife gives. Everyone at work has been vaxxed and they are fine.
Kill shots come with the boosters.
Conditioning for sure. I think the truth, this truth we are seeing is simply too horrible for most to comprehend or accept. Her 3 daughters of child bearing age all took it. She likely influenced that decision. I'd feel pretty stupid if I killed myself. I'd feel something very different if I killed my children.
She hasnt taken the vax yet bc I've stood in the way. She is going to get it friday tho. Pretty sad. I've done all I can so it's out if my hands.
Ouch. Comiserations. Taking it is burning a bridge.
Yep. They are telling her they will fire her if she doesnt get her first dose by Sept 15. Baptist healthcare system.
Her choice. Were it me I would refuse and make them fire me.
Is Vax Needed = No
Is Vax Safe = No
Is Vax Effective = No
The very fact that they insist I take the Vax even though data and available evidence supports the above, would steel my resolve.
Watch the past few weeks of SGTReportβs guests. If you can get her to just watch a few of them it may save her. They are interesting, real, not boring and full of info