Came across this site when searching Comir (naty) ..Tell me what you think?
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Why don't you tell the folks at home what they are looking at.
Text on the page: ComiR (Combinatorial miRNA targeting) predicts whether a given mRNA is targeted by a set of miRNAs. ComiR uses miRNA expression to improve and combine multiple miRNA targets for each of the four prediction algorithms: miRanda, PITA, TargetScan and mirSVR. The composite scores of the four algorithms are then combined using a support vector machine trained on Drosophila Ago1 IP data.
Last updated 10/2015 but there are links to several different things like TargetScan which brings up options to enter data:
. Select a species
AND 2. Enter a human gene symbol (e.g. "Hmga2")