We would actually be way past where Australia is right now actually. America's Hollywood, government agencies and politicians are the cesspool of the most evil, sickening and despicable people to exist. Our beautiful guns and 2nd A has prevented that from being the case though. We would've lost America and her freedoms a long time ago.
We have much to be grateful, for we are one of the very few countries that have increased with having procession over guns, versus decreasing. May that hopefully ALWAYS be the case.....or we will be far worse than where Australia is right now.
I had a right good chuckle when Biden said we'd need F-15's and Nukes to fight the government
^^^Gets it!
Hopefully more & more do. Most forget (or just don't know) how badly the US Contintental Army was vs. the Redcoats early on, the best fighting force on the planet. It took nearly 5 years of rigorous training before the Continentals could hold their own. And that training won't happen again.