posted ago by notkizzalvin ago by notkizzalvin +10 / -0

Saw this link posted but cannot find it now. Under "This is getting bad"


List of conflicts of interest:

Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Riggs reported grants from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding through Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study. Dr Newhams reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Maamari reported other support from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr McLaughlin reported grants from Boston Children's Hospital and the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Maddux reported grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development during the conduct of the study. Dr Rowan reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the NIH outside the submitted work. Dr McGuire reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Fitzgerald reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the NIH outside the submitted work. Dr Gertz reported grants from Boston Children’s Hospital as a passthrough for the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Shein reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Coronado Munoz reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Levy reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and from the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases outside the submitted work. Dr Staat reported other support from Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study. Dr Halasa reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study; grants from Sanofi and Quidel; and personal fees from Genentech outside the submitted work. Dr Hall reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and personal fees from LaJolla Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. Dr Schuster reported other from the CDC during the conduct of the study; other support from Merck; and grants from the CDC outside the submitted work. Dr Doymaz reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Tarquinio reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Nofziger reported other from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Kleinman reported grants from Boston Children's Hospital during the conduct of the study and grants from Health Services Research Administration and NICHD outside the submitted work. Dr Cvijanovich reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and grants from Cincinnati Children’s Medical Center and Boston Children's Hospital outside the submitted work. Dr Hume reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study. Dr Wellnitz reported other support from the CDC and NIH during the conduct of the study. Dr Michelson reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and grants National Palliative Care Research Center and the National Institutes of Health outside the submitted work. Dr Randolph reported grants from the CDC during the conduct of the study and other support from UpToDate outside the submitted work. Dr Poussaint reported receiving grants from the National Institutes of Health and royalties from Springer Publishing outside of the submitted work. No other disclosures were reported.