No need to downvote, let's discuss.
Ever since I came across Q, the mantra of "Where We Go One, We Go All" never sat right with me.
What does it mean, exactly?
Some common propaganda that was repeated at the start of COVID was the phrase, "We are all in this together." This phrase was used to coerce people into giving up their freedoms for the sake of the common good.
"We are all in this together," so shut down your business, put on your mask, don't go to church, don't send your kids to school, don't meet with your friends and family, etc. If you did not sacrifice your freedoms, you were made to be selfish. Now the collectivist thing to do for the sake of the common good is to get your jabs.
How is Where We Go One, We Go All any different than We are all in this together?
WWG1WGA also reminds me of the New World Order, or a one world government.
Let's say we "trust the plan" and the Deep State is destroyed. If we then have a healthy, functioning Republic, we should have healthy debate within our government and not necessarily see eye-to-eye on everything.
WWG1WGA sounds like a bunch of sheep marching in lockstep together without any tolerance for a difference of opinion.
Look forward to thoughts.
WWG1WGA- we choose our destiny and live by our god given (and constitutional) rights. NWO- They chose our destiny and we live by their rules with no rights of our own.