EVERY living person and animal that exists in this matrix we call reality has the 'mark of the beast' by nature, but also is gifted the 'mark of God' freely unless they blaspheme the holy spirit (crimes against humanity)
We are CARBON BASED. 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons. 666.
We exist in scarcity. Buying and selling is part of the beast (low level conscience) system. Ie, Babylon.
If you love the way things are, you accept them with open arms. You are a brick in the wall of the tower of babel. You reject Gods gift of creating heaven on earth, and fortify the beasts ways. Thus you worship the beast.
This happened in 66ad, and is happening on a world wide scale now.
EVERY living person and animal that exists in this matrix we call reality has the 'mark of the beast' by nature, but also is gifted the 'mark of God' freely unless they blaspheme the holy spirit (crimes against humanity)
We are CARBON BASED. 6 electrons, 6 protons, 6 neutrons. 666.
We exist in scarcity. Buying and selling is part of the beast (low level conscience) system. Ie, Babylon.
If you love the way things are, you accept them with open arms. You are a brick in the wall of the tower of babel. You reject Gods gift of creating heaven on earth, and fortify the beasts ways. Thus you worship the beast.
This happened in 66ad, and is happening on a world wide scale now.
The forever purge is looming.
This is a very refreshing perspective. Very interesting.