posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +23 / -0

️House Representative Ronnie Jackson and other Republicans are calling for Joe Biden to resign amid the crisis in Afghanistan.

️British diplomatic memo shows that Biden assured G-7 allies in June: the U.S. would provide stability in Kabul.

️Mullah Baradar arrived in Kabul. Negotiations to form a new government in Afghanistan began.

️Donald Trump: "This disaster in Afghanistan would not have happened under me. The Taliban knew that if American personnel or interests were harmed, I would rain fire and fury upon them the likes of which had never been seen before. This is a disaster of historic proportions.

️Biden runs away from the podium, ignoring a reporter's question about why he continues to trust the Taliban and immediately closes his eyes theatrically.

️Trump: "Leaving Americans to die is an inexcusable dereliction of duty that will go into ignominy."

️Biden admitted that delaying the evacuation from Kabul was a disastrous decision.

️British troops are trying to rescue Americans trapped in Kabul after Biden refused to rescue thousands of Americans in trouble.

️Fox News: CBS News was ridiculed for a report claiming that "climate change has helped strengthen the Taliban."

️The Pentagon said al-Qaida is still present in Afghanistan. Biden said al-Qaida left Afghanistan long ago.

️Biden Effect: Taliban fighters in suicide vests march in Zabul with American-made weapons - military commander in Kabul demonstrates fleet of American Humvees.

️Khashmat Ghani, brother of former Afghan President Ashraf Ghani, swore allegiance to the Islamic Emirate (the self-named Taliban regime) in the presence of Khalil Al-Rahman Haqqani.

️The U.S. Embassy in Afghanistan recommends that U.S. citizens avoid travel to Kabul airport because of a "potential security threat."

️Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin contradicts Joe Biden by stating that Americans trying to get to Kabul airport were "beaten" by the Taliban.

️Putin spoke out against the deployment of U.S. troops in Afghanistan's neighboring countries during a meeting with Biden in Geneva (The Wall Street Journal)

️Pentagon: Of the 6,000 evacuees in the last 24 hours, only "a couple of hundred" are American citizens.

️ It turns out that Attorney General William Barr told Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer to stop considering truck driver Jesse Morgan's testimony that he moved more than 200,000 fraudulent ballots from New York to Pennsylvania before the 2020 election.

️ Most voters say Biden is "mentally and physically" incapable of being president; 51% believe someone else makes decisions for him.

️ The FBI issued an arrest warrant for InfoWars host Owen Schroyer for being on the steps of the Capitol with about 1,000 Americans on January 6.

️Arizona lawmakers are launching the "Arizona Voter ID Act," requiring voter ID no matter how, when or where voting takes place.

️Capitol Police Officer Lieutenant Mike Byrd has been cleared of responsibility for the cold-blooded shooting of Ashli Babbitt. He was found not guilty as a result of an internal investigation.

️The 2020 Senate Election Audit of Maricopa County, Arizona is the first ever audit using a kinematic artifact detection platform.

️The Justice Department is demanding that a judge send a protestor back to jail Jan. 6 at the Capitol for "reverting to conspiracy theories" after he violated restrictions and watched Mike Lindell's cybersymposium.

️President of the Pennsylvania Senate has fired State Senator Doug Mastriano's staff to prevent a forensic audit of the 2020 presidential election.