SYM'PHONY, noun [Latin symphonia; Gr. with, and voice.] aka with sound aka resonating as form with flow. Bitter/sweet represents balance within natural opposites aka the momentum of motion that sustains temporary form within ongoing flow.
"Trying to make ends meet, you're a slave to money then you die"
Aka falling for the suggested value by others (money); while ignoring evaluating of flow as form for the sustenance of life. Making ends meet represents being deceived to follow flow for wanted outcome; while ignoring to resist flow for sustenance of form.
"I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down"
Aka being form (life) moved by flow (inception towards death).
"You know the one that takes you to the places"
Aka flow moving form from beginning (inception) towards end (death).
"Where all the veins meet, yeah"
Aka accumulation of self (blood) within collective self (bloodlines) representing fluid (cooling) to balance the heat generated by the friction between flow (velocity) and form (resistance).
[Chorus 1]
"No change, I can change"; I can change, I can change..."
No change represents ongoing flow; I can change represents being temporary form with choice within the balance of ongoing flow.
"But I'm here in my mould;I am here in my mould"
Aka being form within flow with the choice to transmute out of flow aka shaping form out of flow.
"But I'm a million different people from one day to the next"
ONE (form) within ALL (flow) implies ALL being ONE in energy.
"I can't change my mould"
As form within flow ONE cannot change the momentum (mold) that sustains form; only shape ONEself within.
"No, no, no, no, no, no, no"
Masonic 7 in combination with no aka nothing; which implies ONEs consent to ignore everything (ALL).
"(Have you ever been down?)"
Implies transmutation out of base energy aka flow to form (life) and form to flow (death).
[Verse 1]
SYM'PHONY, noun [Latin symphonia; Gr. with, and voice.] aka with sound aka resonating as form with flow. Bitter/sweet represents balance within natural opposites aka the momentum of motion that sustains temporary form within ongoing flow.
Aka falling for the suggested value by others (money); while ignoring evaluating of flow as form for the sustenance of life. Making ends meet represents being deceived to follow flow for wanted outcome; while ignoring to resist flow for sustenance of form.
Aka being form (life) moved by flow (inception towards death).
Aka flow moving form from beginning (inception) towards end (death).
Aka accumulation of self (blood) within collective self (bloodlines) representing fluid (cooling) to balance the heat generated by the friction between flow (velocity) and form (resistance).
[Chorus 1]
No change represents ongoing flow; I can change represents being temporary form with choice within the balance of ongoing flow.
Aka being form within flow with the choice to transmute out of flow aka shaping form out of flow.
ONE (form) within ALL (flow) implies ALL being ONE in energy.
As form within flow ONE cannot change the momentum (mold) that sustains form; only shape ONEself within.
Masonic 7 in combination with no aka nothing; which implies ONEs consent to ignore everything (ALL).
Implies transmutation out of base energy aka flow to form (life) and form to flow (death).