If you absolutely have to address the transgression, which you should, do not take it out on the innocent. The Nurse, the Principle, School Board, yes. Teachers and others ... not their fault. That is going to sound wildly unpopular, but you gotta make a hard pass on that shit. If you gotta answer to the St. Peter for shit you did down here, make sure you got a good reason for each one. Not just "That bitch was in the way ..." No Fren (and we are Frens), punish the wicked, not those in proximity to the wicked.
If you absolutely have to address the transgression, which you should, do not take it out on the innocent. The Nurse, the Principle, School Board, yes. Teachers and others ... not their fault. That is going to sound wildly unpopular, but you gotta make a hard pass on that shit. If you gotta answer to the St. Peter for shit you did down here, make sure you got a good reason for each one. Not just "That bitch was in the way ..." No Fren (and we are Frens), punish the wicked, not those in proximity to the wicked.
We are talking about thousands of lifes. By getting these brainwashed fucks. The next fuckers who try will think twice.
Wrong about what? Not punishing the innocent?