Everyone has their theories and the fear porn is rampant on this site and patriots.win, are the mods compromised? Is this site? Are they paid shills? Are we just fear porn fags and do it to ourselves? Literally nobody knows anything at this point. Nothing, we know very little about the jab, very little about what “Covid” is or if it exists, nobody knows the truth. I know it’s a cliche but at this point in time people need to focus on the small things they can control. Stock up on food ammo water, find a place you can bug out to/hide out in. Refuse the jab at all costs because it is such an unknown variable. Find and build a community of like minded individuals and be ok with the conclusion that you will die fighting this battle, either today, tomorrow, next year or in 50 years. You won’t win nobody will someone or something will always get you in the end. Prepare for that and be ok with the end. Whatever the outcome is I choose to be free today and nobody can take that from me.
Everyone has their theories and the fear porn is rampant on this site and patriots.win, are the mods compromised? Is this site? Are they paid shills? Are we just fear porn fags and do it to ourselves? Literally nobody knows anything at this point. Nothing, we know very little about the jab, very little about what “Covid” is or if it exists, nobody knows the truth. I know it’s a cliche but at this point in time people need to focus on the small things they can control. Stock up on food ammo water, find a place you can bug out to/hide out in. Refuse the jab at all costs because it is such an unknown variable. Find and build a community of like minded individuals and be ok with the conclusion that you will die fighting this battle, either today, tomorrow, next year or in 50 years. You won’t win nobody will someone or something will always get you in the end. Prepare for that and be ok with the end. Whatever the outcome is I choose to be free today and nobody can take that from me.