The Decode of Decodes - Everyone Watch This!
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Great video, the issue I have with gematria is there’s so many words to choose from with numbers you can literally make it fit your narrative. If I’m wrong about it let me know. Just seems vague and broad.
The good part was about Juliani at the “four seasons” and the number. That part made sense. The rest of it just seemed like he was picking numbers out of thin air.
....and that God chose him. Type it into Gematria a look at the other possibilities, hundreds of them.
Guess what your username throws up as #1 result in gematrix:
“Gematria Is Real Id“
Fun and ye might all find GOD has chooses a lot of you. 😎
Fair points. I think In it went too fast in parts and watching on phone you loose track or can’t verify details so easily.
So more eyes on and circulate.
Does anyone have links to the guys static decodes online?
I never had a use for it. However. I tested it out (and remember this was not the main theme of the decode at all just some top kek noodle matrix fun), and well the results I got would probably surprise but then not actually, because what I got is no coincidence and I’ve a long history with synchronicities and more.
So I made add my angle in a future post.
We are all on the same helter-skelter time curve methinks.
Lots of revelations the last week or so overall. Amazing times.
I posted similar yesterday and got down voted like nobody's business. 😸
Hope you fare better. Anyway, I upvoted you.
Lost me particularly at the end with the Gematria shitfest that said "God chose you" and where Q was predicting that his kid would be sick at home 3 years in advance. Some good info mixed in by a dude with a Christ complex who is either a LARPER of who has been looking at this shit too long and is having a break from reality. The fact that he chose the "God chose you" Gematria out of 100 or so options is a tell.
Gematria returns the phone book. The fact that this guy picked "God chose you" out of 100 possible responses shows he either has a Christ complex or he is a LARPER.
Still worth a watch though, it reminded me of all the four seasons shit and how strange this timeline is.
Interesting vid, it reminded me of all the four seasons ridiculousness but the gematria shite and many of his connections left me cold. Gematria returns the phone book and he picks "God chose you", why not "your hovercraft is full of eels" or any number of other responses.
Is this not Truly the Decode of Decodes?
This Australian guy who is probably not so anon now, has done an incredible job. Incredible!
Ticks so many boxes. Tingles a plenty. Time might stand still for some
I have posted a link to the video here as well (I should have out the bitchute link in the link post!)
I would think everyone try download a copy of the original video.
Perhaps at some point I will add something or another angle to his decode. If it fits. For now. Watch it a few times, oh and I know what everyone is going to do right after it. 😎
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