posted ago by notkizzalvin ago by notkizzalvin +14 / -1

I think that it is pretty safe to assume that we all dislike the institution that is the Federal Reserve.

Funny thing about how it came to be though.

It took more than a few tries to make this thing stick and at one point we had actually abolished it, so how is it here now?

They will not stop. It took them a while to finally get their institution in charge of our money, YEARS! it wasn't over night.

The first time they tried it they had backlash like no ones business, everyone but them seemed to know what was up and hated it. It didn't have a chance. They never ceased seizing every opportunity that they could to get in, though. A little while after the initial attempt, and a few favors later they tried it again..... More people were interested and it looked like they had it. I believe that the second attempt is when they said NO and tried to make sure it couldn't happen. So they waited a while longer and did a few more favors....

Liken this to an employer that is trying to mandate vaccines. These people are sick and will stop at nothing to get what they want. Leave now, while you still can.