Yup, those records disappeared from the pediatricians office, from Yale where we went via ambulance, where they attempted to physically remove me from her bedside to do a blood work, which I approved but the spinal tap that I refused to authorize. (I called the police and the pediatrician to stop them and it worked.)
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Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter, who made Fall of the Cabal, has been working on its sequel. In the past few days, she just released part 17 which talks about how harmful vaccines are and the links between MMR and autism. One particular case I found compelling was a set of triplets (2 boys and 1 girl) who were healthy before the Vax and within 2 hours, changed from smiling happy babies who interacted with each other and held hands to not. They're now diagnosed as autistic.
If you've never seen any of her work, I highly recommend it. It's eye opening on many topics. You can find it on bitchute.
Edit : Here's a link to the channel : https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ws4fMTn6yNc7/
Thank you I will check that out.