I have not been seeing this simple way to stop the madness being screamed from the rooftops enough so I’m making a post about it.
If we stop allowing ourselves to be subjected to the tests, their narrative dies. They have already admitted that the tests that we have been using from the beginning are faulty so why would anybody voluntarily go get a test. People should understand now that no matter what the result that comes back, they can’t trust it and how does it change the way you manage and get well from it. It doesn’t!
I don’t have sauce, but if I heard correctly, Romania stood up and said, “NO MORE. No more tests, no more masks, no more lockdowns, and no more vaccines.”
I think they were able to recognize communism because they had lived with it recently and could smell it a mile away. I think they stopped the madness in their country before it got to vaccine passports.
Graphene oxide in the swab's tip.
I believe it's Ethylene Oxide on the swab. The long swabs from China even have EO written on the package. I don't have sauce but there was a nurse on one of the sites we look at with a short video about the swabs. She has been a nurse for almost 30 years and she is a medical investigator. If someone knows how to add that sauce, it would be great. EO can cause blood clots and brain bleeds. Imagine the people who say no to the shot but must be tested once a week. DON'T LET THEM SHOVE THAT CHINA SWAB UP YOUR NOSE!!!!!!
There are many reports, if not rumours: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=lm&q=graphene+oxide+covid+swabs&ia=web
A spanish group, La Quinta Colona IIRC, has made news by making a lab analyze the covid VACCINE, and that's when the graphene oxide story began. I can't remember for sure if they spoke about the GO in swabs, but I do believe so. The itw is here: https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-graphene-oxide-a-toxic-substance-in-the-vial-of-the-covid-19-mrna-vaccine/5750340
Now even some disposable masks did contain graphene (not sure if oxide), which also is a toxic per se.
As for EO, it's supposed to sterilize half of all medical material in the US (according to... reuters, eheh). Still, most of'em do not go millimeters away from the brain...