Everyone should have a tube of this on hand just for emergencies. One tube is enough to treat a 1500 pound horse. So its enough to treat 3-4 people. You have to take 2 doses, 4 clicks per dose twice in a 48 hour period. There are 28 clicks per tube.
I have a feeling the deep state will try to release a more deadly viruses in the future. Before they go down in flames they will try to take the rest of us with them. Protect yourself and your family.
There are many options on Amazon right now. There are 3rd market retailers listed there as well. You do not need a Amazon account to purchase from them.
Stay safe my frens!!!
Two weeks ago our elderly neighbor got covid from her cleaning lady. Went to ER with 103 fever. They sent her home told her to take Tylenol and gave her a fingertip oximeter to keep track of her lung function. She has diabetes and lives alone. She was weak, could not focus or take care of herself. We took her ivermectin horse paste. The next afternoon her temperature was normal and she was much better. She took it based on her body weight for 5 days with C, D3, zinc and lots of water. She Is fine now. It works. We take it every two weeks one dose as prophylaxis.
No side effects. No covid.
I am also going to start taking every 2 weeks.