News story in question:
Sauce for actress:
Notes, this picture is clearly from around 2008-2012, black skinny jeans we're all the rage during that time, anyone is Sydney knows this, camera sucks, probably taken on a nokia or first gen iphone and they've upped the exposure to hide her imperfections.
To add confirmation that this image is almost a decade old, let's see if we can pull up her ABN which would be required for her if she ever got a role, she would file under a "sole trader/individual" business entity.
Ah there it is yep dates line up, picture most likely taken in 2008-2009 when she created her business ABN.
(For non Australians an ABN is your Australian Business Number, which is required to receive a wage, this is what we use to file our tax)
So, lets compare the pair: This image is horrifically over exposed, first lets fix that. ah yes much better.
Comparison images:
Young pic 2009ish:
and aged pic 2021:
Eye color/shape: Match
Nose Shape: Match (easier to notice if you zoom in real hard (limited pixels) also take into consideration, noses continue to grow with age and also she has gained some weight since 10 years ago. The nose tube will also slightly increase the width of her nose.
Strong Cheek Lines: Match (however slightly further away from nose in old image, we'll address this)
Teeth: Not a lot to go on in that regard due to her not being able to close her top lip in aged pic due to obvious lip injections but you can see her stressing to keep her mouth shut in young pic showing signs of a naturally raised upper lip.
Moles/freckles: Young pic too exposed and too low res to distinguish them also hair covering the giant neck mole.
Eyebrows: The most noticeable difference, she has obvious botox in her forehead, this causes your eyebrows to raise above the natural brow ridge, young pic they are aligned, aged pic they aren't. My best friend of 20 years can confirm this as he's a gay with ridiculous amounts of botox his partner is also a trained paramedic and training anesthesiologist (will utilize this later).
Cheeks: Again, BOTOX causing her natural cheek lines to be raised and pushed closer in towards her nose
Chin + Neck: match
Now, the necklace: Same shape, same chain, same color, identical apart from the black ring in aged pic, could be an added "charm" or a repair job.
aged: (notice the black circle)
aged 2: (later in video it flips showing that the black circle is an added charm to necklace.
She is also clothed under her robe and is wearing jewelry, neither is allowed in an ICU.
Now, the guy lying on his chest shirtless, this follows zero ICU protocols:
1: you would not be allowed to lay on your stomach if you are having serious fkn breathing problems, you would be on you back, in a robe.
2: you aren't even allowed to be topless in a fkn hospital bed better yet an ICU. straight porn acting kek
For another post or comments section: The straight glaring propaganda is the biggest tell, perfectly in-line with the mainstream narrative push "young people getting sent to ICU go get vaxxed" fear porn.
Stereo types, Targeted propaganda:
Simple Minded White Male = Target
Big Strong Builder = Target (they are targeting our builders the most in NSW because they are refusing the Jab on mass) our builders also include our strong willed "military aged men"
"hot" Single Mum = obvious Empathy Propaganda
TBC, Maybe
Autism Overload
Yeah i've searched social medias too but couldn't find anything concrete, it's common practice for when they stage this stuff that they wipe or make their profiles private.
I think they just missed her old acting shot from a decade ago, possibly because of the name change, they overlooked scrubbing stuff under her khoury name and only cleaned up the Maddison last name stuff.