I think the Vaxxed will prove to be a self-limiting "infection". That which they blindly flocked to will be their undoing but at the end of the day, it was their choice.
As the damage amongst their ranks increase they will find a convenient scapegoat in the unvaxxed. MSM and their Cabal masters have already planted this narrative and the Vaxxtards are acting as expected. This is the story of every purge and genocide in history. Can't hapen without a scared, angry mob.
This delusion will intensify in the next two months before it becomes simply too hard to sustain when we see rising rates of infection in isolated countries with very high vaxx rates.
Expect Vaxxhate and persecution to grow and intensify. Once you see what some of your friends, neighbors, and family are capable of, you will not mourn their passing, once the Vaxx catches up with them.
It's terrible. I have been fascinated by such events since the implosion of Yugoslavia. Rwanda was about a million in 100 days or so. Doing it the old fashioned way, going from village to village and chopping them up with machetes. It wasn't monsters.
It was normal people; friends, neighbors, family. It's just the way people are, especially ones that have convinced themselves that they are not capable of such things. Convinced themselves that they are the good guys. Not everthing in the universe is supposed to make sense.
I think the Vaxxed will prove to be a self-limiting "infection". That which they blindly flocked to will be their undoing but at the end of the day, it was their choice.
As the damage amongst their ranks increase they will find a convenient scapegoat in the unvaxxed. MSM and their Cabal masters have already planted this narrative and the Vaxxtards are acting as expected. This is the story of every purge and genocide in history. Can't hapen without a scared, angry mob.
This delusion will intensify in the next two months before it becomes simply too hard to sustain when we see rising rates of infection in isolated countries with very high vaxx rates.
Expect Vaxxhate and persecution to grow and intensify. Once you see what some of your friends, neighbors, and family are capable of, you will not mourn their passing, once the Vaxx catches up with them.
It's terrible. I have been fascinated by such events since the implosion of Yugoslavia. Rwanda was about a million in 100 days or so. Doing it the old fashioned way, going from village to village and chopping them up with machetes. It wasn't monsters.
It was normal people; friends, neighbors, family. It's just the way people are, especially ones that have convinced themselves that they are not capable of such things. Convinced themselves that they are the good guys. Not everthing in the universe is supposed to make sense.