While this post certainly isn't Q-related this is the best place for honest information sharing, which is a pretty big part of the Great Awakening.
I am not a doctor, medical professional, or medical researcher and this should in no way be misconstrued as medical advice. I am just a man who no longer trusts in the medical institution, went about finding my own (potential) solutions, and felt obligated to share my findings.
I would caution anyone who has taken a mRNA jab that this compound could be either very beneficial or very harmful from my semi-informed perspective, so research thoroughly for yourself. Though I'd imagine there are more than a few people who have been consuming it in their diet, I'm not privy to their health status/change.
Part 1: Personal context leading to re-discovery (nothing new)
I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease a few years ago, no early symptoms and a really odd (really miraculous) set of circumstances led to that diagnosis. I was given a double doxycycline regiment (two consecutive '30 day' treatments) and although it did have some effect, I find myself still battling it to this day.
My first attempt at a self-treatment regimen came after I received the diet red-pill "You are what you eat" they used to say. Not sure the message was clear, but what you eat has more impact than any 'medicine'. This particular diet is super low carb, minimal plant products, no soy, high in protein and animal fat. After 30 days I relaxed a bit, but I'm still more of a carnivore than before (presumably you've shifted the balance in your gut by the 30 day mark).
I stumbled upon a newish protocol/treatment yesterday that intrigued me, and might have much bigger/broader implications. The treatment is a combination of enzymes (basically what the above diet is trying to promote, supporting validity of both) and monolaurin. The enzymes can break down a pepsin/protein shield that the Lyme protects itself with to evade the immune system and antibiotics. Then the monolaurin can go in for the kill.
Part 2: Broader Implications of Enzymes/gut balance
Some enzymes travel beyond the stomach/intestines with specific roles for getting rid of malformed or rogue proteins. I have to believe that a carnivore-biased diet and/or supplementation with protein-specific enzymes can combat any malady with proteins at the root. Lol, they told us to "Trust the Science" one too many times, this is what I'm discovering when I dig into the biological science and it isn't going to pay their bills.
Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a form of progressive dementia involving cognitive impairment, loss of learning and memory. Different proteins (such as amyloid precursor protein (APP), β- amyloid (Aβ) and tau protein) play a key role in the initiation and progression of AD.
Part 3: Broader Implications of Monolaurin
According to the research and testimonials I read: Monolaurin (found most concentrated in breast milk and coconut oil/milk#) supposedly kills and/or allows one's immune system to kill any and all bacteria/fungus/virus^ by breaking down lipids in the cell walls. The claim I see is that all bad/foreign things in the body have some lipids in their cell walls and all healthy cells don't...I haven't found anything contradicting that claim, but again I'm not a professional at this type of thing. That's why I've brought it here, someone is bound to have experience or better researching skills to take this to the next level.
It would also seem that Monolaurin is effectively a baby's first immune system.
Is there Coconut Oil/Monolaurin added to baby formula or are non-breast-feeders depriving their baby?
Now for the more speculative inquiry... If the above claim is true: Might monolaurin help the body fight off the mRNA jab? Seems as though those are all coated with lipid nanoparticles (graphene oxide?). I'm hesitant to fully endorse it because on one hand it could help expose the jab juice to your immune system, or on the other hand that lipid protection could work both ways with what's inside more dangerous if fully exposed.
Very probable that there are other maladies this compound's activity remedies as well. [wonders ignorantly if some cancer cells might be cells that incorporated lipids into their cell walls]
#Coconut oil seems to have chain triglycerides that the body can convert into monolaurin, a monoglyceride. ^Research has led me to believe there is no such thing as viruses and it's just exosomes (cellular waste) that fools tell us are foreign viruses. Communal 'spread' would be our bodies communicating to each other (something analogous to pheremones) "hey, you've been in the same environment as me and I needed this purge, you do too." If you got this far thank you for reading, have a nice day/evening/night.
Very intriguing. Thank you