Because as a service woman you are not allowed to conduct yourself in this manner while in uniform. You are not allowed to be an advocate for a single thing... you’re not allowed to retaliate against a civilian.. you’re not allowed to “foreshadow” aka threaten a civilian with your power, that’s a felony across many institutions not just military.. you’re not allowed to use your position of power to give political statements...
She’s a big cluster fuck of WHAT NOT TO DO AS A SOLDIER.. I’m guessing you’ve never served or done anything remotely beneficial for your community..
Why do you have a hard on for this trivial dyke?
Because as a service woman you are not allowed to conduct yourself in this manner while in uniform. You are not allowed to be an advocate for a single thing... you’re not allowed to retaliate against a civilian.. you’re not allowed to “foreshadow” aka threaten a civilian with your power, that’s a felony across many institutions not just military.. you’re not allowed to use your position of power to give political statements...
She’s a big cluster fuck of WHAT NOT TO DO AS A SOLDIER.. I’m guessing you’ve never served or done anything remotely beneficial for your community..