I had an argument with my husband this morning about “the plan.” He works a lot and can’t really keep up. He said, “I listened to X22 with you for two years and not one thing he said ever happened.” I put my sister-in-law to sleep yesterday explaining the plutonium/Iran/Russia event. Even my Patriot peeps roll their eyes when I tell them we’re at war and that the Deep State is trying to kill us.
I’ve been awake since 1997 and it’s not possible to download to someone all that I know. Also, I am a full time Patriot so I know too much, like the rest of you.
True Patriots tend to be frustrated no matter what, even with other Patriots. Does anyone else feel this way? I’m so frustrated, with everyone and everything. It’s like we’re uniquely wired to see the truth and no one else can relate. It’s like we’re an entirely different species.
Each person has to scale what I call "The ladder of disbelief". You started in '94 so you have 27 years of climbing the rungs.
The litmus test is how much someone trusts the media and government. Anybody that says they're at or above 50% trust in the MSM or gubmint is somewhere on the lower third of the ladder.
Most people on this board fall in the middle third of the ladder. They still have a lot of mistaken beliefs and a lot to learn and let go of but are more receptive to certain topics than the bottom third that are still in the early awakening stages.
In order to move someone up the ladder, I find it highly effective to build a framework around topics they know/think are sketchy, say for example election fraud or clot shot mandates in today's environment. If they're on board with these ideas, I like to use the Socratic method essentially asking, "well if you know they're lying about Topics X & Y, what makes you think they'd be honest about Topic Z? You don't always win them over then and there, but you've planted a seed that should be harvestable at some point in the future.
Anyway, I share your frustration as I have many friends and family that see and believe in some corruption, but can't yet reconcile that it's everywhere and existed their entire lives.
Good luck to you and keep planting those seeds of doubt!