I had an argument with my husband this morning about “the plan.” He works a lot and can’t really keep up. He said, “I listened to X22 with you for two years and not one thing he said ever happened.” I put my sister-in-law to sleep yesterday explaining the plutonium/Iran/Russia event. Even my Patriot peeps roll their eyes when I tell them we’re at war and that the Deep State is trying to kill us.
I’ve been awake since 1997 and it’s not possible to download to someone all that I know. Also, I am a full time Patriot so I know too much, like the rest of you.
True Patriots tend to be frustrated no matter what, even with other Patriots. Does anyone else feel this way? I’m so frustrated, with everyone and everything. It’s like we’re uniquely wired to see the truth and no one else can relate. It’s like we’re an entirely different species.
Yes and no. I think you have to read the room a little. People will wake up when they find things out themselves. We were visiting friends over the weekend and their daughter in law they told me is a "Q" person. She apparently leads with HRC & Co. are torturing children to drink their blood. Not surprisingly, they dismiss her out of hand and think she's totally nuts. So I said, "I'm kind of a Q person too. IDK about that but there is something strange going on that at first is really hard to believe." Then I told them Q is a curious thing because it is definitely connected to Trump. I told them of the statistical impossibilities, etc.
And then I explained my journey down the rabbit hole. I told them for me it started very simply with wanting to understand the FISA abuse thing. And that when I found out the press was not reporting that third party contractors were accessing our national security database, in a published court opinion, and the press wouldn't report on the biggest story since Watergate, I started to entertain the possibility that they really did lie about everything. Then I showed them the Kate Spade Andy Spade stories that were basically glossed over. The widower of the biggest fashion designer is walking through NYC with a rat mask on the day after his wife dies and that's for the most part not news? Coupled with the red scarf on a doorknob and a note to the daughter that said, "This isn't your fault ask your father?" And then you see his art collection? That should have been a story. Epstein's Island should have been a story. The fact that Ghislaine Maxwell's father was a British and Israeli spy should have been a story.
I concluded with "I don't know exactly what's going on, but I think someone or some group of people is blackmailing people in high places in an organized way, and that probably the J. Edgar Hoover style of doing things never ended. And an extramarital affair is just not something you can blackmail people with anymore. So they've upped the anti. Bribery and blackmail is probably how they keep huge money making stories out of the press." I told them my theory was that the Q thing was an operation aimed at crowd sourcing journalism because the MSM was controlled. But any time you crowd source journalism there will be people that have different interpretations and some of them you have to dismiss. They were both nodding. These are the people that can be reached. But it has to be logical and geared toward making them want to ask and answer the questions themselves.
I think you're effective because you're walking them through a story. People tend to respond well to that. Thanks for the lesson.
Thanks Fren.