ONE form (life) within ALL flow (inception towards death) for the sustenance of self (blood aka the shared identity of multiple ONEs within ALL aka that which remains of form within flow).
From the energy perspective...velocity of flow causing momentum aka the resistance of form within the velocity of flow causes friction aka vibration aka resonance aka heat; which requires cooling for balance (liquid based cooling such as water; seed; oil...blood).
Satanism, in its current form, according to the evidence I have seen, predates all philosophers of note
Any and all -isms represent suggested meaning as "words" to the free will of those who consent to believe them. Believing a suggested word represents a) submission to the free will of others who then gain the power to act in the name of the suggested word; brand; label; symbol; idol and b) it uses choice to evaluate a suggested value by the choice of others; which implies ignorance of being choice responding to balance causing choice.
The evidence you base your assumptions upon are based on the suggested words of others aka spell-craft aka idolatry of meaning within a system that does not use words to define itself; but movement to communicate inspiration.
PHILOS'OPHY, noun [Latin philosophia; Gr. love, to love, and wisdom.] represents the "want" for KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"; which ignores that we a) perceive ALL existence has to offer and b) that adaptation by choice to the balance of ALL moving inspiration is "needed" for self sustenance of form within flow.
"current form" implies temporary form within ongoing flow, yet consenting to believe the suggested information by other form tricks us to ignore adaptation to flow, and the choice of ignorance corrupts ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived.
Religion of Nature
RELIGION, noun [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind.] The original bond represents offer/consent aka flow/form aka balance/choice. The "new" bond represent ignorance of the original bond for consent to believe suggested information (-isms) by other form.
Nature doesn't have a religion; because nature doesn't require consent by belief; by faith; by trust; by demands adaptation by choice of reaction, and that's what we ignore when consenting to believe; trust; have faith in, submit to the suggestions of others, who then parasitically exploit our ignorance of free will of choice by use of their free will of choice...the choice we are being deceived to consent to by our choice.
he axiom of my own lack of knowledge of what is truth.
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists". Each ONE perceives ALL; yet lacks comprehension (understanding) of what ALL perceived (knowledge) means. Adaptation as ONE by choice of reaction to ALL is what builds ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived.
Our senses perceive movement aka inspiration to react to. Others suggest us information to believe in; which then causes the conflict of reason (true versus false) between those who believe and those who do not, which is called division (reason) by suggestion (-isms).
You have lack of understanding (comprehension); not lack of knowledge (perception). The parasites suggest you information as knowledge so that you understand them...while ignoring the reality that communicates to your perception; which in return corrupts your comprehension.
True and false information do not exist within nature. Suggested words deceive you to consent to believe they do; which puts you into the conflict of reason (true vs false) among each other about the suggested words. You are tricked to fight each other over idols of suggested meaning (words aka spell-craft). Nature does not communicate itself through words; it moves us which causes the sound we need to resonate with by choice of reaction to it. Shaping sound into words to define meaning represents ONEs ignorance of ALL; which in return causes dissonance.
Knowing that I know nothing
Nature does not offer you "nothing"; it offers your perception everything aka ALL. Nothing originates in your consent to believe the suggestion thereof by others who deceive you to build your comprehension upon nothing aka fiction over reality aka 0 over 1 (which is what transhumanism perpetuates).
You know (perceive) everything; you lack comprehension of what it means tho, and need to use your free will of choice to build transmute potential (comprehension) out of potentiality (perception) by choice of reaction.
The Book of the Law
Aka the suggestion of "in the beginning was the word" laying the foundation for spell-craft; for others to suggest meaning by suggesting words; which when consented to gives the few the power to act in the name of the words the many believe in...fictitious meanings within an ignored reality. Your ego represents a self inflicted corruption of communication; based on consented to meaning of words; which endlessly tempts you to ignore adaptation to that which is (moving reality) for contemplation over that which ignores it (affixed word based meanings).
ONE form (life) within ALL flow (inception towards death) for the sustenance of self (blood aka the shared identity of multiple ONEs within ALL aka that which remains of form within flow).
From the energy perspective...velocity of flow causing momentum aka the resistance of form within the velocity of flow causes friction aka vibration aka resonance aka heat; which requires cooling for balance (liquid based cooling such as water; seed; oil...blood).
Any and all -isms represent suggested meaning as "words" to the free will of those who consent to believe them. Believing a suggested word represents a) submission to the free will of others who then gain the power to act in the name of the suggested word; brand; label; symbol; idol and b) it uses choice to evaluate a suggested value by the choice of others; which implies ignorance of being choice responding to balance causing choice.
The evidence you base your assumptions upon are based on the suggested words of others aka spell-craft aka idolatry of meaning within a system that does not use words to define itself; but movement to communicate inspiration.
PHILOS'OPHY, noun [Latin philosophia; Gr. love, to love, and wisdom.] represents the "want" for KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"; which ignores that we a) perceive ALL existence has to offer and b) that adaptation by choice to the balance of ALL moving inspiration is "needed" for self sustenance of form within flow.
"current form" implies temporary form within ongoing flow, yet consenting to believe the suggested information by other form tricks us to ignore adaptation to flow, and the choice of ignorance corrupts ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived.
RELIGION, noun [Latin religio, from religo, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind.] The original bond represents offer/consent aka flow/form aka balance/choice. The "new" bond represent ignorance of the original bond for consent to believe suggested information (-isms) by other form.
Nature doesn't have a religion; because nature doesn't require consent by belief; by faith; by trust; by demands adaptation by choice of reaction, and that's what we ignore when consenting to believe; trust; have faith in, submit to the suggestions of others, who then parasitically exploit our ignorance of free will of choice by use of their free will of choice...the choice we are being deceived to consent to by our choice.
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists". Each ONE perceives ALL; yet lacks comprehension (understanding) of what ALL perceived (knowledge) means. Adaptation as ONE by choice of reaction to ALL is what builds ONEs comprehension of ALL perceived.
Our senses perceive movement aka inspiration to react to. Others suggest us information to believe in; which then causes the conflict of reason (true versus false) between those who believe and those who do not, which is called division (reason) by suggestion (-isms).
You have lack of understanding (comprehension); not lack of knowledge (perception). The parasites suggest you information as knowledge so that you understand them...while ignoring the reality that communicates to your perception; which in return corrupts your comprehension.
True and false information do not exist within nature. Suggested words deceive you to consent to believe they do; which puts you into the conflict of reason (true vs false) among each other about the suggested words. You are tricked to fight each other over idols of suggested meaning (words aka spell-craft). Nature does not communicate itself through words; it moves us which causes the sound we need to resonate with by choice of reaction to it. Shaping sound into words to define meaning represents ONEs ignorance of ALL; which in return causes dissonance.
Nature does not offer you "nothing"; it offers your perception everything aka ALL. Nothing originates in your consent to believe the suggestion thereof by others who deceive you to build your comprehension upon nothing aka fiction over reality aka 0 over 1 (which is what transhumanism perpetuates).
You know (perceive) everything; you lack comprehension of what it means tho, and need to use your free will of choice to build transmute potential (comprehension) out of potentiality (perception) by choice of reaction.
Aka the suggestion of "in the beginning was the word" laying the foundation for spell-craft; for others to suggest meaning by suggesting words; which when consented to gives the few the power to act in the name of the words the many believe in...fictitious meanings within an ignored reality. Your ego represents a self inflicted corruption of communication; based on consented to meaning of words; which endlessly tempts you to ignore adaptation to that which is (moving reality) for contemplation over that which ignores it (affixed word based meanings).