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Liberals are easier to destroy than a house of cards.
The other day, some faggot self-loathing white guy tried to tell me that native american women have the highest suicide numbers. I threw about 6 different sources at him showing that it's middle aged white males that are leading in Suicides. Fuckwad didn't respond.
Many times I've had dipshits on FB claim that voter fraud is a Myth, only to have me post about 250 different instances of proven voter fraud. They never respond to that one.
Here’s the sad truth. In actuality, native American women have one of the highest murder rates.
These women aren’t killing themselves, they’re being kidnapped, raped and having their bodies dumped on or off reservation.
Liberals are so fucked up they can’t even recognize the real problems in our society. Another example; the problem isn’t cops killing black gangsters it’s black gangsters killing other black people.
Well we were discussing suicide rates, not homicide.
Perhaps the liberal dumb shit mixed up suicide rates with murder rates. That’s why I made that point.
White males are killing themselves and American Indian women are being murdered. Both things are equally tragic.
Black suspected criminals being murdered by the police: That’s a fucking minuscule problem.