Marine LTC was relieved of duty after this rant against Milley & Austin.
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USMC has a knack for weeding out the good ones. It’s a shame. It’s why I got out. I didn’t stay in and fight for 17 years. So I’m not comparing myself to him. I can only tell my experience. I loved my active duty contract but I watched every single good Marine leader ahead of me and every good brother beside me get out or get forced out. It didn’t make sense to me because what we are taught and what the characteristics of a Marine are. He should not be relieved from duty because he has an ethos that will only truly benefit every Marine under him. The machine of the military at the end of the day is a machine, and it will spit you out like any other. Makes me sad. Sir has some strong convictions and I would serve under his command any day. That type of man truly gets it. Semper Fi
He should be processed out. He knew this before he made the speech, and he still did it. It is what makes it so great. Do the right thing, damn the consequences. I would have loved to serve under him.
Yeah he truly did what is right and it’s awesome. I’m sure he will not regret it. The military lost a good one. Just hate to see them go