Very interesting, sounds like JFK Jr talking. It's long but interesting, lots of gematria, lots of Q etc...
I'm am undecided as to how I feel about, may need to stew on it for awhile:)
Need to add that I listened live and missed the first hour so listening to that now. I came in at first where the man who sounded like JFK Jr was already speaking.
When they say the ending won't be for everyone-this would be an ending that I think would be hard for some w/. Not the JFK part but accepting that Jesus was like us and not divine. (that is not saying that he did not live a holy life that pleased God and that he is not in the spiritual realm w/ God now as we all hope to be one day). I will probably get slammed for this but everyone can study and decide for themselves, while studying the Torah for years and then the New Testament for years this is the conclusion I had already come to. I don't believe that what upset God in the Torah/Tanakh would not upset him in the New. God did not approve of child sacrifice, he did not approve of the fallen angels have relations w/ the women of this earth, I will leave it at that.