Dozens of Afghan Children Are Arriving in the US Alone and Being Placed in Federal Custody
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also, the whole front page is full of afghanistan stickies. how does this tie in to q? psyops only? is that all we can post here?
A lot of what I post is just examples of the "psyops" that are being pervaded today as news....
ok, well I gave you a video you can watch to answer what "watch the waters" means. you can watch it, and post it with your friends here and help them along, or continue speculating on what it means forever, and continue posting news stories of floods, or dead fish, or whatever else.
Looking at water through a Biblical prism, water means two things. In one form, it represents Gods living word to mankind.
In The Book of Revelation, one of the beasts arises from the ocean (water) which represents "mankind/humanity". If you are pursuing interpretations, may I suggest this the "water" we are to be watching and not literal water....
not quite, I wish to share info, but apparently its just a popularity contest. super confused as to why none of you want to post this, and why it won't let me.
why is it that you just don't want to watch the video? I thought you q people would be interested in a video explaining what watch the waters means.
you seem more interested in just chasing your own tails
It actually ties very much into Q and coms.
It's a boatload of reading but if you want to learn have at it I personally spend hours on the site reading the decodes and digging.
but watch the waters doesn't? isn't it literally in a q post? I don't recall any afghan q posts, this is what you guys have added.
What I linked to you shows how Q and Afghanistan are related, read it if you wish, or don't.
This site supposed to be about learning decodes to comms. I would suggest you read the side bar go to the links on the side bar and study, it's up to you, there's a lot to read.
Water means information.
Not all coms are meant for us but we should be learning their decodes and coms so that when the deepstate is brought down we can watch them and they won't get away with starting up so easily again.
giving you an answer, you can take it or not. just like you said ;)
there's a very specific timeline, relating to the days of noah
and exactly, if its about decoding comms why am I getting ridiculed for wanting people to post this? it won't let me post it, so somebody else has to.