Since Facebook always removes and censors "disinformation" (including many of my memes i posted for my friends) then i reported obvious disinformation to them. Now do your job Facebook and remove these lies haha.
Also, i already blocked WHO on Facebook but it keeps coming back anyway... and keep in mind im a Czech guy... this is literally the only english stuff that coming up on my Facebook feed kek.
My wife is Czech and we debated moving to Czech. How is it over there with the vaccines? Are they trying to force them like they are here in the US and other western countries?
Yes and No, Gov. makes legislation regarding either masks mandates or testing or vaccines, then court say its unconstitutional and then no one even knows what to do...
Imagine it like this... law A and law B .. both supposedly in affect but completely contradicting each other, so if you are employer then damm you if you wont mandate vaccination for your employes but at the same time damm you if you do. It is a mess and feels like everyone just does whatever they want.
Also according to official data 5.7milion (out of 11milion) are supposedly fully vaccinated (2jabs) but i have my doubts... i found a year ago that there is literally not a single official statistic on covid that is real. For example, list time i checked the number of PCR tests done, it was like 3times above what was even possible in terms of capacity, or supposed number of deaths from covid when total number of deaths in 2020 was actually several hundreds below yearly average.
Oh and its elections season aswell with major elections in less than 2 months... so maybe most politicians are just too carefull about pushing vaccines right now :)