UnitedStatesPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not very happy about it. I can't provide evidence why but my gut tells me in the end he won't be able to be trusted. I hope I'm wrong.

UnitedStatesPatriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not sure what he was talking about of course but something seems off about it to me and awful coincidental.

I've also been seeing on X a lot of people talking about Biden saying to donors in a private meeting earlier this week that it's time to put Trump in the cross hairs or something like that.

They can't beat him fairly so they went with an assassination which thankfully failed.

UnitedStatesPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you. When I heard it earlier this week and watched his arrogant confidence almost holding back a smirk I sensed something was off. Wasn't sure what it was at the time but looking back it feels like he knew what was going to happen.

UnitedStatesPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope this is true. The thing that gives me pause on this is something like this was mentioned for 2016 and nothing happened anywhere near what should have. My wife always pokes me about this one because it wasn't a kept promise. I hope I can say "see it happened!"

UnitedStatesPatriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I caught this too. He seemed to hint that we will get big news in a week.

UnitedStatesPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Joe talked about this photo on his recent podcast with Duncan Trussel. Duncan invited him to a wedding and it turned out to be a Satanist wedding.

Here is the link to the podcast. I can't remember what minute mark it was discussed but it's an interesting podcast:


UnitedStatesPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was thinking the same thing. Seems like she is repeating things someone told her and kept looking to her Mom for approval. Didn't seem genuine to me.

UnitedStatesPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry to hear about your dog. Our dog is family to us and I don't want to even think of the day we lose her.

Do you have any links or anything l can read more about what you telling us? It's a very interesting topic to me and I'd like to read more.

UnitedStatesPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Absolutely not Rubio! Don't trust him at all.

UnitedStatesPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought I read it was the pineal gland that is being calcified by fluoride. It's the "third eye".

UnitedStatesPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. MJ12 wrote a out something similar if I recall. I think it was more in line that we are spiritual beings trapped in sort of a prison planet.

UnitedStatesPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

I always listen to the Joe Rogan podcast when driving long distances. It makes the time melt away for me.

UnitedStatesPatriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

I hope this prick dies a painful death. I also hope when it's over he sees himsself in hell burning for an eternity.

UnitedStatesPatriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Same. I don't know what it is but my third eye tells me we shouldn't trust her.

UnitedStatesPatriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Curious if there are good caffeine alternatives. I get the sense coffee, especially caffeine is bad for us but Holy cow does it boost my work productivity. Just wish there was a natural alternative.

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