Everything on that telegram so far, including all the new images and video, are actually just recycled videos that are on Bitchute and the photos were circulating on Parler back in early 2020. They are probably from even before that. There are plenty more photos including stuff like Simon Cowell and Hugh Jackman in front of some kind of sarcophagus with a body (presumably a realistic human cake) on Epstein island for example.
I could have made that McAffee account at least a year ago and posted the same stuff, as none of it is new content exclusive to what McAffee supposedly has.
All signs on that account point to LARP until there is actual original content never before seen type stuff.
Everything on that telegram so far, including all the new images and video, are actually just recycled videos that are on Bitchute and the photos were circulating on Parler back in early 2020. They are probably from even before that. There are plenty more photos including stuff like Simon Cowell and Hugh Jackman in front of some kind of sarcophagus with a body (presumably a realistic human cake) on Epstein island for example.
I could have made that McAffee account at least a year ago and posted the same stuff, as none of it is new content exclusive to what McAffee supposedly has.
All signs on that account point to LARP until there is actual original content never before seen type stuff.
I have seen most of those piccs before. Some look hella photoshopped. I don't think Mcafee had the goods tbh.
Most of them are from voat. The QRV and pizzagate subverses. He seems like yet another frazzledrip larp.