Fat stores excess toxins to isolate them. You detox faster in "flu season" because you burn more fat. The main cause of obesity is iron poisoning. Every country which mandates iron fortification of wheat has an obesity epidemic, but neighboring countries with high-wheat diets have no health issues.
ℹ️ ⚔️ Information Warfare ⚔️ ℹ️

I also didn't realize iron poisoning was such a big factor before.
Glyphosate contamination is definitely the biggest cause of disease though. There are so many charts which correlate the rise of chronic diseases with increased glyphosate use, as well as overwhelming anecdotal evidence from farmers and other people who work with glyphosate and live off the contaminated crops. Just look at how close this chart tracks glyphosate quantities vs autism in 6 year olds.
I feel for you as a home baker, since even the most organic wheat will have a lower level of contamination. Much of Europe is also contaminated these days, though not as badly yet.