I have noticed my wife and I have definitely become more aware of what we should be taking on a daily basis just for improved health and well being. There are so many supplements and vitamins that eliminate the need for certain prescription drugs. I had no idea there were this many alternatives to improve general health. Turmeric is a new one for me or Quercetin. Even the importance of Zinc. It’s pretty obvious to us that the medical complex doesn’t want us to know about these supplements and vitamins, they just want repeat business.
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How do you know these are effective? In the middle of a pandemic groups like the FDA are trying to ban them.
Its a rhetorical question to ask what if at the beginning of the covid hype people were given vouchers they could redeem at a supermarket, pharmacy etc for both vitamin c + a good multivit+mineral supplement of their choice.. enough for say a couple months. For all adults.
Rather than mask mandates, tracking mandates, and limits for occupancy of indoor areas.
Cheap, no patents, probably incredibly effective at filling in nutrition-based health gaps that leave people more open to infections.
And thats why it would never be done, big pharma would scream like a scalded cat and threaten not just lawsuits, but no more bribes in the form of campaign donations.