PSSST! Here's a meme for the impatient pedes in the back... Ready? Trump's Executive Order 13848 was signed 9/12/18. Trump extended it by one year on 9/13/20... With all this chaos, the deaths, the "pandemic," plus the AZ audit results, do you THINK IT WILL JUST QUIETLY EXPIRE two weeks from now? 🤔
🤔💠Theory 😲💡

they were jerking themselves off about " a trump supporter terrorist" and it only lasted about 15 minutes because it was clear it was fake.
because if you listen to the guy he's got a fake southern accent, he's saying the most ridiculous bullshit, getting the catch phrases wrong, saying things they would say about us but things we would never say...
then he claims there's 5 other people in 5 other trucks doing the same thing... but there wasn't... which made people question it further because it was clear the FBI or some other agency talked this guy into do this...
all the social media started trending "false flag" "fake as fuck" "fbi entrapment" shit like that...
then magically "poof" it's all gone like it never happened.