We have watched the data this whole entire statistically manufactured crisis. So we have known the truth forever. NOW... they are firing everybody who wont get vaxxed... they are hiring internationally. Closing down hospitals and medical units. All so they can say the hospitals are over run. Her home hosital has 20...... yes 20. Covid cases. Yet they are over run and exhausted and out if room, but the hospital has so much more room for people just not enough medical staff for the beds to be open... do you see it ??? . So be prepared for the narrative as it is on the way. Not only are we being invaded by refugees by the airplane load as well as they are marching over the southern border. But we are about to fill our hospitals with medical workers who are not from the US. THIS IS AN INVASION.........
Thats a dumbed down version of events from our couch. I always need a dumbed down version so i thought i would share with you all. Its nothing that we all didnt know. ... but more of an encouragement that we are on the right side of history.
Keep the faith.
I know an ER doc who yesterday said his hospital in Alabama had 171 cases of the rona, and most of them were unvaccinated. The problem is they're still using that stupid PCR test, so it's difficult for me to believe him. Also, he took the jab, and so far has had no ill effects so he's all for it. He also says people are dying from it, but stopped giving any data on co-morbidities, another suspicious thing.
Im begining to think the jab causes more mind control than we are aware of because im seeing wierd statements coming out of the infected(jab) saying irrational things such as i got covid from a " fully vaccinated" person and im fully vaccinated and blaming the unvaccinated for being infected.
There are reports that it is affecting peoples' minds with problems putting words together, forgetfulness and brain fog, and also people going into anger/rage over little things, including things that didn't used to bother them.
Blood clots in the brain, caused by the spike proteins, is what I've seen as the cause of the jab brain problems. Likely the blood clots cause inflammation because inflammation is a very typical response to any insult to physiology.
I've been noticing that for a while.
Maybe we should start gaslighting the vaxxed the way WE are being gaslighted to accept it. Start remarking to people about how they've changed somehow...tell them they're forgetting things you already talked about...talk about a 'made up' friend & act astonished that they don't remember this friend...ask them how long they've had that 'tic' that they're unaware of...constantly ask them if they feel ok.
disclaimer - I would do this only to the people who have been abusive towards others choosing to not get the vax.
My mother had to get it, and she got the J&J vaccine, she's an NP at our hospital so yeah...
She hasn't exhibited any strange behavior, but then again "they" also tried to stop the J&J vaccine not long ago due to side effects..
Im glad your mother is not experiencing any issues. I wish I could say the same for my brother, he is experiencing myocarditis after the shot. Im praying for him and I dont want to mention his name but please pray for him as well. Me and my brother are not on speaking terms but I still love him and wish him the best in his health and recovery dont know which jab he took.
I will, and hope he pulls through brother.
It's more confirmation bias than anything else