I am so sick and tired of this bullshit. 13 fucking marines die for no good reason, and they are not the last and sure as fuck not the first. All for what? So we can lower the flags to half mast and 1 month later everyone will have forgotten? All of the innocents killed because we didn't pull out in May. All of the men and women with limbs blown off and severe trauma, and those are the ones that survived. All for what? So the deep state and cohorts have their little sandbox to play in while good patriotic Americans give their lives year after year in these forever wars. And the one man who wanted to put an end to this bullshit and not start any new wars is demonized like all good men trying to do something just and righteous.
Meanwhile we are too focused on Mr. Potato Heads gender and whether watermelon is racist. When will people wake the fuck up to the fact they are trying to divide us because together an American nation united under a just cause, there is nothing we can't accomplish. But honestly we don't deserve freedom, Alexander Hamilton said "A nation which can prefer disgrace to danger is prepared for a master, and deserves one." He was damned right. I don't know about you all, actually I think I do, but I much prefer our freedom and so help me God, I will not let every other man and woman who has sacrificed to keep this dream alive, I will not let their sacrifices die in vain.
This is bullshit! When are we going to wake up? Half the country is wearing masks and taking a shot of God knows what because the talking box on the wall says to. Fuck this shit. I'm done. What the hell is it going to take to wake these people up. I am by no means saying we should ever get violent, but I am not going to lie, I feel like burning myself on fire like that monk to protest this shit. What else is going to wake these fuckers up? I finally understand why he did it, and was able to just sit there while the smell of his burning flesh wafted through the air. He did not like the direction we were headed as a world and honestly I don't blame him one bit. This world is immoral, and if 13 marines lives don't matter to these fuckers then whats one 22 year old who sacrificed nothing in his life going to do? Probably nothing, but I am so fucking tired of this bullshit. No one wants to take a stand and peacefully protest together, these truckers are giving me hope, but when half the country trusts a confirmed pedophile sniffing children on camera and calling service members stupid bastards not once but twice I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm not going to do anything rash like that monk, but I finally understand him. I have trust in the plan, im just so fucking tired of people needlessly dying like pawns in chess to these evil fucks. o7 to all you who have sacrificed I can't begin to imagine your frustration when mine is already this high, you have actual brothers in arms you knew blasted to bits by landmines and fucked up for life with shell shock. I'm so sorry we as civilians let you down and give more shits about Mr. Potato Heads gender and Dr. Seuss being racist. Seriously, I salute you. You mean the world to us all, without you and your sacrifices none of us would be free. God has a place reserved in heaven for you all. Thank you for all of your service.
I have come to the conclusion that our world is going to change radically in the next few weeks. I want the end result of the changes for the better but I sure do not look forward to what happens just prior to it. Do your best to stay safe and protect what you love, have candles for a few nights with no electricity, and stash a week of food and water for yourselves and your pets.
There is no way that the monstrously evil cabal is going to let the 20th anniversary of their inside job of 9-11 go to waste. They are caught in traps and chewing off their own limbs. It's checkmate pretty soon.