Let’s take some questions.....nooooope
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This is the norm for the dirty old pedo every single day vs a one-off for trump. Apples and oranges, proves no double standard. “I’m not going to talk about Afghanistan”. turns back, exits to applause Please find one instance where trump did anything close to that and we can discuss a double standards.
I'm talking about it being proof of Biden being controlled. It isn't. Just like it isn't proof of Trump being controlled when he did it.
How about when he says "I've been instructed to call on..."?
Or "If we disagree too much, I'll get sick and have to resign"?
Those are more convincing and are the kind of quotes that make it clear he is controlled.
There are reasons that Biden and his circle might have all agreed together to not take questions and his wording, while a little strange, doesn't automatically indicate he's referring to other people explicitly telling him what to do. Just that they decided not to answer any questions at that time. (Not to say any of this is true, it's all nonsense and Biden is obviously controlled based on what we know. Just that it's possible and thinking things through like this and using their logic can help when trying to wake up normies.)
Being told which people to call on and that other disaster of a quote, on the other hand, don't really have any possible logic behind them that I see.