posted ago by FreePatriot73 ago by FreePatriot73 +69 / -0

On August 1st I felt tired, achy and blah all day at work. I went home to a 102 fever. By the next morning it all hurt - scalp to toenails. Couldn't breath, cough, etc. I knew. I tested positive (?) within 24 hours. My local doc gave me azithromycin and a steroid after I had specifically asked for HCQ or Ivermectin. They "aren't prescribing those things - they don't work", they said... After the 5 day of this nonsense I found a doc in KY who shut down his entire office to care for COVID patients virtually. He didn't charge me for the visit and instead asked for prayers. He told me he would have to send the prescriptions to a small mom and pop pharmacy because CVS, Walgreens and Walmart would not fill these prescriptions. Other doctors in the community have given him backlash. This nurse personally called me at 8:30 at night to discuss my condition and to check and see if I needed emergency care. The following morning the doctor himself called me to let me know what he was prescribing. There are good docs, they need our support and our prayers. BTW, within 24 hours I was fever free and started feeling normal again. May God Bless this precious, real physician in Kentucky. There aren't many...