posted ago by Scotty1954 ago by Scotty1954 +163 / -0

A lib in the 1960's and '70's is not a lib today. Libs back then believed in freedom, now they believe in lockdowns.

They were all about peace and protesting Vietnam. Now they support the DC Military Industrial Complex that profits from war and nation building in places we have no business.

They were all about fighting racism - now they support a racist President who gave a eulogy at a Klan leader's funeral, did nothing to support prison reform, and has made one racist comment after another his entire career in politics. They have no problem with the epidemic of black-on-black murders in inner cities, homelessness, and poverty in inner cities.

They were all about free speech. Berkely CA was referred to as the "Free Speech Capital of the World". Now they support government censorship of speech. They want anyone who doesn't agree with the government to lose their job. Some even want re-education camps.

They used to support the working men and women who were just trying to make a living. Now they support government lockdowns and closing of their businesses. They support the flood of illegal immigrants into this country that are taking their jobs away and lowering their wages. They support the rich corporations who profit from all of this. They are part of this "elite culture" because they have grown rich spewing their hypocrisy.

I could go on and on but these people who have remained Democrats over the years have sold out their principles and David Crosby and Bruce Springsteen are one and two.