John Durham asked crooked JPMorgan to SELF-REPORT violations
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Just hold tight Patriots. I think more than we know will be flooded out soon enough. The dam hasn’t broken yet, but it’s about to.
I agree, could be another layer to a trap. Self report (because we already know) if you don't, punishment will be worse. Hoping this is like Trump not asking a question he doesn't already know the answer to.
No wonder his report is taking so long. Thats NOT what he was hired to investigate.
I don't mind him coming after the banks, as they are the Fuel and Coal for the Swamp machine to run.
The fact that he does not arrest ANYBODY and thanked the FBI too?
Lol I really don't think he intend on doing anything about fixing corruptions in America
Not trying to doom here, but I don't trust Durham to get the job done anymore.
I'm an AMC and GME ape, and this cannot be anymore disappointing. I was excited when i saw the news and Durham involvement in coming after WallStreet and all these crooked bankers.
But surprised surprised, not only does he tells the banker to "self-report" any other crimes they do, he even thanked the current FBI administration for their involvement. Like are you serious??? you are also supposed to do a report on how the FBI spied on Trump during his Presidency!
Where's the Durrrrrrham report? Where's the Durrrrrrham report?
Well, it's either Durham is super dumb and blind or he's just covering all his crooked friends ass. 987 millions is a slap on the wrist for JP mother fucking Morgan are you kidding? They started the Federal Reserve and has been banking and hoarding all our gold and silver for decades!
987 millions dollar fine....oh common big freaking deal. Obviously, there is absolutely no repercussion for these bankers when they destroying our livelihood and country.
That's actually a positive outlook on it. But looking at the Reverse Repo lately. We don't have a lot of time left before the whole financial system explode.
The Durham report will not be a boom. Temper your expectations.